
RS: Benson do me a solid

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After a long day of work, all the employees rounded up in the living room, playing truth or dare. But everyone was mostly daring each other. Since daring is another dangerous game such as "doing solids," everyone made sure to keep them to a minimum, like daring someone to give another a hug or something. Just then, Benson entered the living room, tired and serious as usual.

"What are you guys doing?" Benson asked.

"Playing truth or dare," Mordecai replied.

"Yeah, but mostly dare," Rigby explained.

"You guys all know that daring is a dangerous game," Benson stated. "Remember what happened last time…"

"Ugh, we know, we know. We're keeping the dares to a minimum," Mordecai said.

"You should come and join us, Benson," Pops stated excitedly.

"Yeah, it's fun," Skips agreed.

"Mmm… no thanks, I'll just sit this one out," Benson sat on the couch, leaning his head back.

"Benson's such a baby," Rigby whispered out loud. Benson lifted his head, glaring at Rigby.

"What was that?"

"Yeah, you heard him, you're such a baby. You're afraid to take a little dare," Muscle Man laughed high fiving HFG.

"What? Are you trying to challenge me? Because it's not going to work," Benson stated clearly.

Everyone was thinking of a good dare for Benson. Until Rigby had an idea.

"Since Benson's being such a baby, I dare him to be one."

Everyone gasped. Benson just laughed. "Yeah right, as if I'm going to do that."

Mordecai thought for a second. He really wanted his boss to get this dare done. Then he had an idea of his own.

"As a matter of fact, Benson, do me a solid and be a baby… for a week."

Everyone gasped, including Benson. "Wait, you just changed the game. I'm not doing that!"

"You have to bro, it's a solid," MM said.

"Can't you at least change it? Skips, back me up here," Benson turned to Skips for guidance. He only shook his head.

"It's a solid, you have to do it."

The next morning after Benson came to work, Mordecai and Rigby had baby stuff prepared. A box full of baby stuff.

"What's all that?" Benson asked.

"It's your baby stuff," Mordecai said. "You're gonna have to start getting this solid done now." Mordecai reached into the box and pulled out a diaper and a blue bib.

"Woah, you said to act like a baby, not look like one," Benson said.

"Yeah, that's part of the solid, dude," Rigby explained.

"No way, I'm not walking around the park wearing a diaper," Benson stated. "What if Maellard comes and sees me like that?"

"Oh no, you're not working all week. Skips is going to be in charge and you'll have to sleep in the house. You're not going back home till the solid is done," Mordecai explained. "And in case your boss comes, we'll explain the whole thing to him." Benson was about to protest but was stopped by Mordecai. "Go on, get dressed now." He pushed Benson into the house.

A few minutes later, Benson was dressed in a bib and a diaper. "So? Now what?" Benson asked.

"You stay in the house all day watching baby shows on T.V and play with toys," Mordecai explained.

"Oh, and you can't use the bathroom at all. You would have to go in the diaper," Rigby reminded, laughing.

"What? That's just crazy! I can't just… go on myself…"

"You have to man, part of the solid. Don't even try to go to the bathroom when no one's looking, it'll just ruin the solid and you remember what happened last time. And you have to wait till one of us changes you," Mordecai said. Benson was speechless, there's nothing he could do about it. A solid is a solid, no way of turning back.

"We have a lot work to get done, so Pops is going to watch you today," Mordecai and Rigby headed towards the front door.

"Wait, since when do guys ever get work done here?" Benson asked, turning slightly red.

"Just watching your embarrassment is so much better than slacking off. We feel like we can finally get some real work done. Let's go Rigby." They left the house, leaving Benson upset and embarrassed. Pops then entered the living room.

"Oh Benson, you look so cute! Come now, I'll read you a story," Pops stated excitedly. Benson sighed and sat beside Pops. He couldn't wait for the week to end.

Evening arrived and all the employees decided to have dinner at the house. After taking one look at Benson, everybody laughed; including Skips even though he tried to hide it, and made fun of him. After dinner, Everyone stopped making fun of Benson and found him strangely cute. Muscle man and HFG played with Benson, Skips lifted him and threw him in the air, and the rest just sang nursery rhymes to him. Not only everybody enjoyed this, Benson was strangely enjoying all the positive attention. Even if it was childish. He couldn't remember anyone giving him that kind of loving attention. Not even his parents.

"Time for bed," Mordecai said pulling out a pair of blue footsy pajamas.

"Bed? It's only 8:30," Benson stated.

"A child must always be in bed early," Mordecai said. He and Rigby dressed up Benson and handed him to Pops. "Pops is going to give you warm milk to lull you to sleep." Mordecai handed the bottle to Pops.

Benson looked slightly disgusted. "Can it be chocolate milk instead?

Mordecai sighed. "Fine. Rigby put some chocolate syrup in this," Mordecai handed him the bottle and Rigby mixed some chocolate syrup into the milk. He returned and gave the bottle to Pops. "Go now, it's passed Benny's bed time."

Benson perked up at the name "Benny." "Call me that again and I'll…"
Benson was cut off after Pops randomly placed a pacifier in his mouth.

"Hush now little one." Pops took Benson to his room. He turned out the lights and turned on a dimmed lamp. He then sat on his rocking chair and began to feed Benson the bottle. He found it awkward drinking lying down, but then he got used to it. After a while of being fed and getting rocked, Benson began to get drowsy. After finishing the bottle, he finally fell asleep. Pops looked down at Benson's body relaxed on his lap. He looked so adorable. It kinda made Pops wish he had a child of his own.

Pops placed Benson in an old cradle, which was once his, beside his bed. He shut off the lamp and exited the room to meet up with the rest of the guys in the living room.

The next morning, Benson woke up to the sunlight hitting his face. It took a second for him to realize that he was in a cradle, in Pops' room. He felt so… nice and refreshed, until he felt something strange… wet. 'Did I wet the bed?' He asked himself as he felt the blankets and the mattress. They were dry. Then he remembered he had a diaper on. Benson felt grossed out. He turned to Pops' bed. He was still asleep. Then he turned to the clock at the night table. It read "6:30 am."

"Great, now I have to wait for someone to wake up and change me, unbelievable." Benson thought out loud. "But how is it possible that I went on myself, I don't remember doing it or feeling it?" Benson lied back down, lost in his thoughts.

After everyone woke up, Mordecai and Rigby got Benson cleaned up and fed. "Today Skips is going to watch you," Mordecai told him. Benson felt relieved. He would feel less embarrassed around Skips, since he trusts him the most.

At Skips' garage, he was busy fixing a golf cart. Benson was kept in an old playpen and playing with toys that weren't too interesting. After Skips finished, he searched through the baby bag, taking out some baby food. "Time for lunch," he told Benson, smiling. Benson barely sees him smile. He picked up Benson and sat him on a chair. Skips fed him carrot baby food, which Benson hated.

"This is gross. Skips, do have other flavors besides this one?"

"No. This is what you're eating for now. Finish it." Whether Benson liked it or not, he finished it. Skips handed him a sippy cup with apple juice. He quickly drank it, trying to take the flavor out of his mouth. A while later, Skips played with Benson, throwing him up in the air, then he tickled him. Benson almost couldn't control his laughter. Skips also laughed along.

"It's been a while since I had kids," Skips said.

"You had kids?" Benson asked.

"Yeah, very, very long ago." Skips didn't really like to talk much about it, since it was hard for him to watch them die while he was the only immortal family member. He quickly changed the subject. "You know what else I did to my kids and grandkids when they were babies?"


"This…" Skips picked up Benson and started blowing on his tummy.

"Stop! You know I'm ticklish," Benson screamed. He couldn't stop laughing.

As the days passed, everyone was used to seeing Benson dressed and acting like a baby. Benson was secretly enjoying the attention. Since he didn't have to work, he felt relaxed and less stressed. He was even used to using the diaper. Benson hoped he was not too used to not using the bathroom after the solid ends or Mordecai and Rigby wouldn't hear the last of him.
It was also a good thing that his boss didn't show up for the week.

"Wow, Benson, I can't believe you did it. A whole week being a baby," Mordecai said, congratulating Benson.

"Yeah, man, that was cool. You have guts, Benson," Rigby said, congratulating him as well.

"Yeah, a week did go by pretty fast… I was even getting used to the diaper thing," Benson admitted.

Mordecai laughed. "Yeah. So you're back to boss mode now, huh?"

"Are you going to punish us?" Rigby blurted out.

Benson laughed sarcastically. "Yup. You guys are so going to pay for that solid, big time. Both of you are going to have toilet duty and dish duty for the next two months. And don't ever ask me to do a solid like that again, or else!" Benson walked away, his gumballs slightly red.

"Yup, Benson can be a real baby at times," Rigby said. They both went straight to work.
Just a random story I came up with for fun. Hope you all enjoy!

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